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Evening, Night and Weekend Electrical Training

Evening, Night and Weekend Electrical Training

Daytime classes may be a popular option for electrical training, but it’s not the only option available to you. Many schools offer evening training programs with more flexibility, so you can still work without changing your schedule.

Like daytime class, evening electrical programs can still be completed in a short amount of time. With evening electrical classes, you can complete an electrical diploma program in as few as 10 months to a year. 

Night Classes vs. Day Classes

Electrical training isn’t measured in days, but in how many hours of training you receive.

Daytime classes generally have a set schedule that falls within normal business hours, and while that works for some students, it may not work for you. Evening programs can be highly flexible, so you can earn your degree on your own schedule. Through evening and night classes, people with full time jobs can still get training while not having to quit their job or alter their schedule to enroll in daytime classes.

Evening Electrical Training

The time it will take you to complete your training depends on the school you attend and the program you are in.

Due to time constraints, some evening and night classes can be shorter, so the programs sometimes last longer to make up for this. However, this is not the case for most programs. The length of your program also depends on the degree or diploma you are earning. Some diplomas you can earn in as few as 3 months taking evening classes, while others may take up to 2 years.

Are There Electrical Training Programs on the Weekend?

Unfortunately, electrical trade schools do not usually offer weekend only classes. Courses offered only on weekends would take too long to complete. Some programs may incorporate weekends into their normal training schedule, but classes offered only on the weekend are rare.

Trade Schools with Night or Evening Electrical Classes

Here are some great schools we partner with that offer flexible evening classes:

This list is just a small selection of schools we partner with. No matter what schedule you choose, electrical training is a great way to jumpstart your career in as few as 10 months. If you’re looking for other options, like online or traditional day classes, find other great trade schools near you.

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