Take the First Step Toward Your Electrical Career Now!
Studying for the NEC exam? Test your grasp of necessary knowledge with our free and comprehensive online NEC practice test.
Questions on the practice exam cover info about safe installation of electrical wiring and equipment. The NEC is not national law and all states are different but our test will help anyone interested in an electrical career.
Question 1 of 25
A branch circuit for an appliance that’s a continuous load must be rated not less than _____ of the marked ampere ratings of the appliance:
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You are one step closer to a career in the electrical trades!
The path to becoming a licensed electrician is not a short one, that makes choosing the right school very important. The need for electricians is projected to increase by 59,600 new positions opening through 2026.
Ready to start your exciting career in electrical?
Want to start this test from the beginning? Not pleased with your results or want to beat your current score?